WE all have gifts to share or a light within that shines brightly when we are in our creative zones, don't be afraid to let others light their own flames from yours. When you are constantly putting out your creative energy it will eventually become depleted so we all need each other to keep that spark alive! My messages come to you in very high color, visually stimulating graphics and texts because that's what I love to see and create. Color has always fascinated me and when I learned how to create my own graphics, I knew black and white were NOT going to be enough to satisfy my needs. It's one way of many that I choose to connect with the world around me and music is another, but that is a whole other website altogether that hopefully will connect to this one once I am able to sync everything together. The common factor is that we all should tap into whatever it is that makes us light up and make it a daily habit. When you have a zest for life that is often found in our creative outlets, it makes for a stress-free, happy person that is naturally lit from within.