Text only quotes by me

For those that have asked, I am adding my quotes here in text form for easier copy and pasting.
I plan on updating this listing with as many of them as I can.
These are true words from my heart!

- The longer one carries a problem the heavier it gets, lighten your load and carry your blessings instead.

 - Learn from your mistakes, live from your lessons.

 - Talk a little bit softer, love a little bit deeper and live a little bit better than you did yesterday.

 - Be a blessing to someone instead of a lesson for someone.

 - We all have a legacy to leave behind in this world. For some it will be washed away and forgotten but for others it will be permanently imprinted in the hearts of others.

 - We always have the ability to choose what we dwell on in our minds. I choose to dwell on the things that make my life meaningful.

 -  A mind that learns to let go of needless worry, is one that has room for living and appreciating each moment to the fullest.

 - When you're living in the moment of Right Now, there are no regrets of the past or fears of the future, just a freedom to enjoy Today.

 - When our thoughts stray into undesirable territory, sometimes it's important to hit the reset button and start over from a place of Peace.

 - Embrace Change, even the seasons know when it's time.

 - Choose Joy, allow yourself to be fully in it. Let it become your choice day after day.

 - Relax and Let Go, Peace will find You.
- Be so grateful for the blessings in your life that you let the little annoyances go, make more room for the good stuff.

- Grateful hearts find appreciation in the everyday moments.

- Everyone you meet today is your teacher, learn well.

- Everything that comes from the heart may not be perfect, but I’d pass on perfection in place of heartfelt any day.

- Let your thoughts be your prayers, be sure to keep them loving and kind and send them out into the world day after day.

- You can take the love in your heart and give it away and you’ll find that it doubles instead of divides.
- It starts with being OK with where you are now, knowing you will get to where you want to be with a little patience and faith in the divine unfolding of your path.

- Live a life that is made up of all the things you love!

-  Delight in the common everyday moments and make each day an adventure to be explored.

-  Take it all in, stop and enjoy it, don’t waste one moment on regret. Everything you need is right here, right now.

- You never know who you are unknowingly inspiring by simply just being you!

 - Be in the moment! Don't wish it away for better days.

- Simplify your life and don’t stop until you are able to make yourself a top priority, everything else can wait.

- We gain our strength from our struggles, stay strong and always carry on.

- The more your thoughts become grateful, the more you will find in your life to be grateful for.

- There is always something wonderful to look forward to.

-  We each have our own unique gifts to offer the world, even if it’s only to share your smile with someone every day, keep giving from the heart, it matters.

- One step at a time, one lesson at a time, one goal at a time, just keep moving!

- What we practice daily is what we build a life on. Practice peace, love and kindness.

- Whatever the day holds, bring with you peace, love and a grateful heart.

- It is a blessed road that I travel, even with the bumps along the way, I live a grateful life.

- A peaceful mind lives a peaceful life.

- Always believe you are strong enough to handle anything life hands you.

- It is never too late to create the life you were meant to live.

- Release yesterday, Embrace today.

- You have to be willing to endure the storm to enjoy and appreciate the rainbow that follows.

- I am inspired by many, touched by a few, a teacher to some, a student to all.

- Once peace becomes the guiding force in your life, conflict seems to be an impossible place to stay in.

- There is a calmness that comes over you when you release those things that you cannot change and find hope and peace with those that you can change.

-  Let where you are now be just as important as where you plan on going. Each moment that we are given should be cherished for all that it does to prepare us for where we’ll eventually be.

- I cannot walk your road for you, but just remember that I am always here to hold your hand along the way if you ever need me.

- The world needs your light so keep on shining.

- Life is too short to wait so, do what you love, with those that you love, and make sure you do it often.

- Through grace in our words and actions, we can bring a little more kindness and love into the world.

- The choices that we make today affect the future that we live tomorrow, choose wisely.

- Sometimes getting lost along our path is one of the best motivations for finding out exactly where it is we want to be.

- Start thinking happy thoughts!

- Has anyone told you that it is a wonderful world because you are a part of it?

- Blessings are all around you, do you see them?

- Today be sure to surround yourself with peaceful people and only allow into your space those that respect your time. Bless all and keep moving forward.
- To be able to tell a story with your eyes, make a connection with your smile and share love with your heart is to be Alive!

- Sunshine! We all need it to survive. Give it, get it and be it when you can.  Spread a little around!

- I am OK with whatever comes my way today. I breathe in new possibilities and breathe out negativity. Nothing can steal my joy unless I allow it. I am in control.

 - What if you lived your life in such a way, that every person you came into contact with, you were able to leave a lasting impression that touched their soul? How differently would you be living life each day? It's worth a try, even to touch just one soul.

 - As with all things in life, change is inevitable. We find ourselves trying to find a balance almost daily with the ebb and flow of energy and we must decide how that energy is best used to carry us on our journey. I believe strongly that all relationships in our lives come to us for a reason, a season or a lifetime. No matter how long a relationship lasts, if you have learned and grown from it, you can never regret what it taught you and that it came into your life to make you more aware. What you keep with you and the seeds that it plants for your future are priceless. Keep flowing peacefully down the river of life and though it may not always be smooth sailing, may it always be a blessed ride.

- Today starts a new page in your book of life! What you decide to write on that page is up to you. Make it Bold, make it exciting and make it worthwhile because whatever you are using your time for, will be exchanged for that page of life that you cannot rewrite later.

- When you feel life has given you everything you need, be grateful, and when you think life has given you nothing, be grateful for Life.

 -  Worries, fears and all that negative stuff will always be there, it's if you choose to feed those things and make them grow that you have to decide about. Choose love, light and inspiration and let that lead you through.

-  There will be many who will doubt you and try to discredit you but if you are happy living a life that you are proud of then no amount of effort to bring you down will ever work. Build up your own self-worth and then you won't need to be validated or invalidated by anyone.

 - It's up to you to decide how you want to spend your time, you can choose to let your little self-doubts steal your happy thoughts or allow other people to influence how you experience life or You can choose to drop the doubts, lose the negative influences and make room for all the goodness that is coming your way when you release all of that useless energy. Either way the time will be spent, when You control how you spend it, you can transform this day and ultimately your life!
 - How someone deals with negativity in their lives can shape the way their outlook is on everything else in their lives as well. If you hold onto anger, resentment and hostility, it become a part of you, spilling over into your actions and thoughts towards yourself and others. It's important to feel negative emotions and then let them pass through you as you learn to replace them with positive and peaceful ones. Too often people are judged not by who they really are but by their attachment and influence of their negative emotions that they haven't yet learned to deal with or get over. The next time you encounter a "nasty" person just be reminded that they haven't found their place of peacefulness yet and a kind comment or gesture from you could lead them in the right direction or turn on the light bulb for them and bring them out of their darkness. There are no guarantees but when you come from a place of peace, you have a better chance of being met with peace in all of your encounters.

 From my Daily Motivations series:

- Embrace where you have been and be excited for where you are going. The only way you could have been prepared for today is by learning from your past. Take it, use it, and let it guide all of your tomorrows to a better place.

-  Learn to love your thoughts by creating and allowing only the most meaningful to reside in your heart and mind. What a lovely place to retreat to when the stress of life arises. Your focus becomes your intention so be mindful of what you put your energy into and if it doesn’t help to create Peace in your life, maybe it’s time to release it.

- Our thoughts create our world so whatever you can focus your mind on that inspires you and lifts you up will form the very foundation of how you live your life. Learn to pick and choose the thoughts that will bring you the most peace and let all others just pass through.

- Today be ready to tune in to your world around you. Pay attention to the little things.  Notice the simple beauty in nature and express your gratitude for those things you have taken for granted, I think your list will be long.

- We must be brave enough to know that we already have everything we need inside of us to make the best lives for ourselves.